Our Review of Valerian Root
Sometimes in life, one experiences some form of anxiety, depression, stress, or anything similar. I’ve had such experiences, and I guess you have too or otherwise you wouldn't be on this page.
I used to fight depression. As a result, I searched through many websites for a solution and tried many products. Some worked, some did not.
Then I came across Valerian root. Unlike the many supplements that “talk a good game”, I found real value in this supplement.
Bottom line
Valerian root has really worked for me.
It has now become an essential part. of my new daily regimen
Right now, I want to give you more information on what you need to know about Valerian root because it could be the one you've been looking for!
Basic info on Valerian Root
Valerian root supplement is extracted from a flowering plant called Valerian, which is also known as Valeriana officinalis. This plant is mostly found in Europe and Asia.
The usage of this plant's root as an herbal medicine started as far back as the Roman and Greek Empires. It was discovered by Hippocrates to cure nervousness, heart palpitations, trembling, and headaches.
Valerian is filled with valerenic acid, which is known to affect gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in the brain.
It is known that one of GABA's purposes is to control anxiety or fear experienced in a situation where nerve cells get overexcited. In this situation, Valerian may function as anxiety-reducing drug and mild sedative.
Benefits of Valerian Root
Gamma-aminobutyric acid, GABA, also helps to reduce anxiety because of its regulation of nerve cells.
The valerenic acid, found in the valerian root, also functions as anti-anxiety agents, thereby stabilizing the central nervous system.
When GABA levels have been improved it makes it easier for one's body and mind to relax.
This means that the root can assist in making sure that anxiety levels are down which plays a significant role in helping with one's day to day stress.
Pain Relief
Valerian root has been proven that it can be used as a natural pain reliever as it functions directly on the nervous system.
Some scientists from The Indian Journal of Experimental Biology discovered that the entire extract and the isolated essential oil has a major analgesic effect when tested on rodents.
Adding to this, this essential oil proved to have the same effectiveness as aspirin.
Valerian root is well known to be as a cure for insomnia and it is very popular among its users.
There is much evidence that it causes one to get to sleep sooner, sleep longer, and improves the overall quality of sleep.
Muscle Relaxant
Valerian root can function as a strong muscle relaxant because it is a natural antispasmodic and sedative effects.
It has been shown that it can be significantly useful in reducing menstrual cramps. It can also calm uterine muscle contractions that are experienced by some women during menstruation.
This was certified by a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled research from the Islamic Azad University of Iran.
Pros and Cons of Valerian Root
Suggested Dosages and Use
Valerian Root seems most effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety with dosages of a minimum of 120–200 mg 3 times daily.
Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.
In summary
Valerian Root is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.
Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?
When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?
Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Valerian Root products that we have tried and know they work.
Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best
Product | Details | Our Rating |
NusaPure Best Valerian Root | 4.7 out of 5 | |
Nature's Way Valerian Root | 4.2 out of 5 |
Our Conclusions
Valerian root has been used for many years as a cure for anxiety and sleep disturbances.
In our Review of Valerian Root, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.
According to some studies, Valerian extract components, just like valerenic acid, have effects on GABA concentrations and GABA receptors in the brain. This biological functionality has been shown in several studies of numerous herbal medicines, determining that Valerian root can help alleviate acute anxiety, sleep disorders, and illness related to stress.
Additionally, Valerian root has sometimes been mixed with other herbal supplements in a daily regimen which has had even greater results for patients.
All that being said, make sure you try out Valerian root, today.
We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.