Archive Monthly Archives: June 2019

Nobi Nutrition High Absorption Magnesium Complex

Review of Magnesium Supplements

Our Review of Magnesium 

Over the past decade, I experienced frequent anxiety, along with discomfort and pains in my body, as well as, had difficulty sleeping.

At work, I was not always in control of my anxiety especially when I was about to give a presentation or while sitting working at my desk for long hours. I looked at several stress relief programs and tried a good number of vitamins and supplements, but only a few really worked.

However, one that I was extremely pleased to find was when I discovered Magnesium supplements. They have helped tremendously to relieve my anxiety and pain.

Do you experience stress, anxiety or pain after a challenging day?

Do you experience difficulty sleeping at night and are tired of searching endlessly for a solution?

If so, I totally understand how you feel right now.

What does Magnesium do?

Generally, Magnesium features prominently in your body’s cell-to-cell communication, powering more than three hundred different enzymes. Without it, no physiological function in your body will work correctly.

Magnesium helps to improve the muscle function of your body, helps to ensure the integrity of your bone structure, and helps in restoring your bone mass, which is critical as you get older or if you are postmenopausal.

Magnesium helps protect your heart against disease by preventing blood platelets from collecting together. It helps your body with its use of insulin, thus helping to guard it against diabetes. It helps in protecting your kidney functions from declining.

Magnesium also helps reduce blood pressure.

Benefits of Magnesium

Anxiety and Stress Relief

Consistent use of magnesium encourages a reduction of stress, anxiety, and tension. As well as, it helps relieve mood troubles for both men and women.

Magnesium will help relieve migraines, fatigue, stress, anxiety, and depression.

It's a great solution for busy parents, business professionals, and more.

While you can get magnesium from certain foods, you still may not get enough and that’s where supplements become necessary.

Bone, Leg, Hip, and Back Health

Magnesium is an essential vitamin and is as vital as calcium when it comes to bone health.

Daily magnesium intake is associated with better bone density of legs, hips, and spine, which translates to less pain and better back health.

Skin Health

Applied topically on your skin, it will help to cure several skin allergies and can be helpful in rejuvenating your skin.

More Energy, Better Sleep, Better Performance

To improve your energy, muscle function, and get better sleep, not to mention getting better overall performance, you need to regulate your magnesium levels correctly.

Heart Health

I strongly recommend the use of magnesium as it encourages healthy cardiovascular function.

Overall Health

Magnesium promotes regularity for men and women that struggle with constipation, bloating, and overall stomach discomfort.

Choose a Quality High-Absorption Magnesium Supplement 

Choosing a good magnesium supplement can be very confusing since there are so many forms. Several versions contain 100 mg of magnesium each, which represents 25% of your recommended daily intake.  If you’re wondering why this amount isn’t higher, it has to do with your body’s magnesium absorption mechanism.

While it is a subject of debate, it is believed that there are diminishing returns associated with higher doses of magnesium. Such as, if you take 100% of your daily intake all at once, you won’t actually absorb as much compared to taking 25% at four different times throughout the day.

A quality High-Absorption Magnesium supplement provides a reliable dose of magnesium in each tablet or capsule. So, make sure you only buy quality supplements. This type of supplement should be strictly used by adults and is safe for pregnant or lactating women.

If you decide Magnesium is a good fit for you, you should check out one of the Top-Rated products that we recommend by personal experience, below.

Pros and Cons of Magnesium


  • It helps to combat any stress & anxiety you feel
  • It helps to develop a healthy heart
  • It helps to restore strength to your body
  • It is absolutely safe for use by pregnant or lactating women
  • It helps to prevent osteoporosis


  • Too much may cause mild diarrhea
  • It may disrupt your body’s thyroid function if taken in excessive doses
  • It may be difficult to know what dose is optimal for your body

Suggested Dosages and Use

Magnesium seems most effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety with dosages of a minimum of 100 mg 4 times daily.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In summary

Magnesium is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Magnesium products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

Nobi Nutrition High Absorption Magnesium Complex
Nobi Nutrition High Absorption Magnesium Complex
  • Premium High Absorption
  • Relaxes blood vessels, helps maintain normal blood pressure, supports healthy heart function
  • Pure, Non-GMO, Vegan Capsules

4.8 out of 5

Pure Encapsulations - Magnesium (Glycinate)
Pure Encapsulations - Magnesium (Glycinate)
  • Supports Enzymatic & Physiological Functions
  • Cellular Energy Production
  • Nutrient Metabolism Support

4.5 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of Magnesium, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

When taking magnesium supplements, even in the right dosages that meet your body’s needs, you may notice some side effects. These side effects usually disappear quickly and aren’t enough to impact daily life. Therefore, the benefits of magnesium outweigh any short-term drawbacks, making it a worthwhile addition to your daily routine.

Magnesium supplements range in terms of dosage. If you don’t know how much magnesium you need, it may be best to start off with a lower dosage and see what results you get before increasing it.

But if you already know you get very little magnesium in your diet or you are taking it to increase the effectiveness of long and strenuous workouts, you may want to start off with a higher dose.

If you are a woman looking to reduce mood swings, reduce sadness, reduce sugar craving, reduce irregular periods, or reduce hot flashes, get a quality magnesium supplement now!

We believe it is a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

Double Wood Supplements Bacopa Monnieri

Review of Bacopa Supplements

Our Review of Bacopa 

Anxiety can be very dangerous because prolonged worry, stress, fears, and sometimes panic can hurt an individual's mental and physical health.

Being a victim of anxiety, I know how it feels to always be anxious. Through the years I've tried so many things to get rid of my anxiety.

Yes, prescribed medicines can work for a while. And, in the short-term they are fine. But what does long-term chemical ingestion cost the body?

How many times when taking one prescribed medicine does it end up causing unwanted side effects; which then calls for another prescribed medicine that then causes more unwanted side effects; which then calls for another prescribed medicine?

How long can the body put up with that and not be harmed?

Thus, became my search to find safe, natural, herbal supplements

One such remedy is using Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa Monnieri is not only used to cure anxiety and stress; it has so many other benefits. In this review, I'll disclose all you need to know about Bacopa Monnieri, and I'm sure it will become part of the solution you've been looking for your anxiety.

Bacopa Monnieri is a traditional herb that’s been used in Indian medicine for centuries. It was originally known for memory formation and cognition; and later discovered to help cure anxiety, stress, depression, Alzheimer's disease, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and several other conditions.

Due to its benefits in helping brain functions, Bacopa has become known as a nootropic.

Benefits of Bacopa Monnieri

Helps Reduce Anxiety, Stress, and Depression

One of the benefits of Bacopa Monnieri is that it is an adaptogen. Adaptogens are molecular compounds that protect the body from the dangerous effects of stress. 

An experiment carried out on 17 healthy adults discovered that 320 mg of Bacopa reduced cortisol levels. That outcome helped to showcase this the stress-reducing phenomenon.

Bacopa Monnieri can assist your body in having a better adaptation to both chronic and acute stress. When an individual has chronic stress, glutamate increases.

An explanation for this particular benefit on mental health is Bacopa’s ability to reverse an unhealthy increase in glutamate levels; which helps keep a vital balance.

It was also discovered that Bacopa Monnieri has anti-depressant and anti-anxiety qualities. A study monitored 54 healthy seniors consuming 300 mg of Bacopa Monnieri extract daily for three months. This supplementation drastically reduced their anxiety and depression levels.

Likewise, serotonin and dopamine levels increased while using Bacopa Monnieri supplements. These hormones are the "feel good" hormones that are responsible for your sense of well-being.

This clearly shows that a the use of Bacopa Monnieri for depression and anxiety is a natural remedy, which is also highly effective in boosting mood.

Improves ADD and ADHD Symptoms

It has been proven that Bacopa Monnieri can improve brain function and cognition in adults, as well as, children who have ADD and ADHD. Likewise, it can concurrently decrease the severity of their symptoms.

A 2014 randomized, double-blind trial examined 31 children who were between the ages of six and twelve years old. This group of kids took 225 mg of standardized Bacopa Monnieri supplements every day for six months. These children experienced a massive 93% reduction in restlessness, a 67% drop in impulsivity, and a 78% fewer learning problems. Also, their self-control improved by about 89%.

Improves Memory and Brain Function

Different studies show that Bacopa Monnieri can help in enhancing cognitive function and preserve memory. One such report was published by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2016.

The report made an analysis of nine formerly published studies that assessed the effect of Bacopa Monnieri on cognitive function. The researchers concluded that Bacopa has the ability to improve cognition.

An earlier report reviewed previously published studies on Bacopa relating to cognitive performance and discovered some evidence which suggests that the herbal extract may improve memory in free-recall tests.

Pros and Cons of Bacopa


  • Reduced heart rate
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Decreased depression
  • Increased rapid visual information processing
  • Defense against age-associated memory impairment
  • Increased verbal processing


  • Too high dosages may cause nausea
  • It is not to be taken by pregnant & breastfeeding women
  • Some patients reported that they had stomach cramps
  • Too high dosages may increase bowel movements

Suggested Dosages and Use

Bacopa  seems most effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety with dosages of a minimum of 120–200 mg 3 times daily.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In summary

Bacopa is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Bacopa products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

NatureBell Organic Bacopa Monnieri
NatureBell Organic Bacopa Monnieri
  • Nootropics for Brain Booster, Enhanced Mental Focus & Memory
  • Non-GMO, Vegan Friendly
  • 750mg, 120 Veg Capsules

4.7 out of 5

Double Wood Supplements Bacopa Monnieri
Double Wood Supplements Bacopa Monnieri
  • Concentrated 20% Bacosides Brahmi Extract
  • Non-GMO, Gluten Free
  • 450mg, 90 Count

4.8 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of Bacopa, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

Bacopa Monnieri is one of the most effective nootropic supplements.

In addition to being a cure for anxiety and it's potential for improved cognitive performance in healthy individuals, it has shown a positive impact in reducing the effects of cognitive decline—though the research relating to this is still young.

Whether you’re using this supplement to cure anxiety or to protect and enhance the functioning of your brain, there is some very amazing evidence which shows that Bacopa Monnieri is one of the most effective supplements which can be found in the market.

If you want to get the Best Top-Rated Bacopa Monnieri for yourself try one of the two we’ve tested and verified, above. I'll highly recommend that you get it now. I'm confident you'll start seeing positive results soon!

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

NusaPure Best Valerian Root

Review of Valerian Root Supplements

Our Review of Valerian Root

Sometimes in life, one experiences some form of anxiety, depression, stress, or anything similar. I’ve had such experiences, and I guess you have too or otherwise you wouldn't be on this page.

I used to fight depression. As a result, I searched through many websites for a solution and tried many products. Some worked, some did not.

Then I came across Valerian root. Unlike the many supplements that “talk a good game”, I found real value in this supplement.

Bottom line

Valerian root has really worked for me.

It has now become an essential part of my new daily regimen.

Right now, I want to give you more information on what you need to know about Valerian root because it could be the one you've been looking for!

Basic info on Valerian Root

Valerian root supplement is extracted from a flowering plant called Valerian, which is also known as Valeriana officinalis. This plant is mostly found in Europe and Asia.

The usage of this plant's root as an herbal medicine started as far back as the Roman and Greek Empires. It was discovered by Hippocrates to cure nervousness, heart palpitations, trembling, and headaches.

Valerian is filled with valerenic acid, which is known to affect gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in the brain.

It is known that one of GABA's purposes is to control anxiety or fear experienced in a situation where nerve cells get overexcited. In this situation, Valerian may function as anxiety-reducing drug and mild sedative. 

Benefits of Valerian Root


Gamma-aminobutyric acid, GABA, also helps to reduce anxiety because of its regulation of nerve cells. 

The valerenic acid, found in the valerian root, also functions as anti-anxiety agents, thereby stabilizing the central nervous system.

When GABA levels have been improved it makes it easier for one's body and mind to relax.

This means that the root can assist in making sure that anxiety levels are down which plays a significant role in helping with one's day to day stress.

Pain Relief

Valerian root has been proven that it can be used as a natural pain reliever as it functions directly on the nervous system.

Some scientists from The Indian Journal of Experimental Biology discovered that the entire extract and the isolated essential oil has a major analgesic effect when tested on rodents.

Adding to this, this essential oil proved to have the same effectiveness as aspirin.


Valerian root is well known to be as a cure for insomnia and it is very popular among its users. 

There is much evidence that it causes one to get to sleep sooner, sleep longer, and improves the overall quality of sleep.

Muscle Relaxant

Valerian root can function as a strong muscle relaxant because it is a natural antispasmodic and sedative effects.

It has been shown that it can be significantly useful in reducing menstrual cramps. It can also calm uterine muscle contractions that are experienced by some women during menstruation.

This was certified by a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled research from the Islamic Azad University of Iran.

Pros and Cons of Valerian Root


  • Relief from restlessness
  • Relief from other anxiety disorder symptoms
  • Fall asleep faster; get better quality sleep
  • Clinically proven
  • No "hangover effect" in the morning
  • Better daily productivity


  • Extreme dosages may cause headaches
  • Extreme dosages may cause dizziness
  • Extreme dosages may cause itchiness
  • Extreme dosages may cause gastrointestinal disturbances

Suggested Dosages and Use

Valerian Root seems most effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety with dosages of a minimum of 120–200 mg 3 times daily.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In summary

Valerian Root is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Valerian Root products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

NusaPure Best Valerian Root
NusaPure Best Valerian Root
  • Naturally Aids Anxiety, Helps with Stress Management
  • Naturally Aids Sleep
  • Non-GMO, Gluten Free & Odorless

4.7 out of 5

Nature's Way Valerian Root
Nature's Way Valerian Root
  • Has relaxing effect on the nervous system
  • Supports restful sleep
  • Contains 0.1% Valerenic Acids

4.2 out of 5

Our Conclusions

Valerian root has been used for many years as a cure for anxiety and sleep disturbances.

In our Review of Valerian Root, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

According to some studies, Valerian extract components, just like valerenic acid, have effects on GABA concentrations and GABA receptors in the brain. This biological functionality has been shown in several studies of numerous herbal medicines, determining that Valerian root can help alleviate acute anxiety, sleep disorders, and illness related to stress.

Additionally, Valerian root has sometimes been mixed with other herbal supplements in a daily regimen which has had even greater results for patients.

All that being said, make sure you try out Valerian root, today. 

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

Double Wood Supplements Rhodiola Rosea

Review of Rhodiola Rosea Supplements

Our Review of Rhodiola Rosea

Are you the type of person who experiences fatigue, stress, anxiety, or depression more often that you want?

If this is you, I'm sure you’re trying all you can do to find something that can help you get rid of these ailments. I used to be stressed and depressed, and this cost me a lot in many areas, as well as, made me less productive throughout the day.

For some time now, I've tried numerous products to help me get rid of this problem. Some helped, some did not.

But one of the most valuable I found was Rhodiola Rosea supplements.

Before I tried it, I was skeptical due to the numerous products I've tried that didn't work, but I am so glad I tried this product.

Surprisingly, it’s a big part of the solution I'd been looking for! I have been using this product for some months now, and I've never regretted using it. I want to tell you a bit about some of the wonderful things I’ve learned about this product.

Let's dive in!

Rhodiola Rosea supplements are extracted from the Rhodiola Rosea plant which is found mostly in Asia and Europe. Rhodiola Rosea, also called Golden root or Arctic root, is a type of herb which has been proven to improve an individual's ability to fight stress naturally.

Most of the nutrients in this plant are found in its roots. The roots are normally dried, powdered, then prepared as a tea. It can also be found in liquid, capsule, or powdered form. Personally, I like the ease of using capsules.

According to research, this herb not only has a favorable effect on one's performance mentally, but it also boosts the function of the immune system.

Extracts and supplements of Rhodiola Rosea also increase resistance in the human body to toxins. This is very beneficial for individuals suffering from day to day stress, and need to find a consistent way to relax from all the distractions that come. 

Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea

Coping with Stress

A recent study shows that Rhodiola Rosea is an amazing adaptor which assists the body in gaining systematic balance to get back to its original function after it has been exposed to stress.

This is a remarkable benefit to people who continually deal with hectic schedules, critical situations, and high expectations. Likewise, it is necessary for individuals who feel "burned-out" as a result of prolonged stress periods or long-term continuous work.

There were significant improvements in stress symptoms in all clinical trials. The clinical trials involved people who showed repeated symptoms of stress in their lives, such as, moodiness, discomfort, sleep disorders, low energy, muscular aches, and so on.

Treatment of Depression

Rhodiola Rosea has been shown as an effective and safe treatment for moderate or mild depression in many patients.

How did they get those results?

According to trials, it was noted that when one uses a normalized dose of Rhodiola Rosea twice-daily, it resulted in a significant reduction of depression, emotional stability, insomnia, and some other problems in patients who have been diagnosed with moderate or mild depression.

Reducing Fatigue

Rhodiola Rosea is known as a valuable fatigue fighter, normally decreasing or getting rid of the negative mental effects and physical exhaustion.

It is most effective in fighting the type of fatigue created by repetitive or prolonged low-intensity exertion or prolonged moments of stress; it's also been proven to improve the length of effective exercise time.

Rhodiola Rosea is highly effective in enhancing athletes’ performance. It is also useful for workers, students, and other individuals who need to keep moving forward with their daily life after fatigue sets in.

It has been proven to reduce or relieve individuals of several physical symptoms of fatigue such as; feelings of sleepiness, tiredness, soreness, muscle aches, and headaches. 

Likewise, it has been shown to address several cognitive symptoms of fatigue such as decision-making ability, impaired judgment, irritability, moodiness, and also diminished capacity for mental work.

Pros and Cons of Rhodiola Rosea


  • Reduces stress & fatigue
  • Improves mood
  • Boosts brain function
  • Increases libido
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Prevents fat buildup & helps energy
  • Reduces pain


  • May not be effective for everyone
  • Over dosing may cause insomnia or nausea
  • Possible drug interactions - check with your physician

Suggested Dosages and Use

Rhodiola Rosea seems most effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety with dosages of a minimum of 576 mg daily.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In summary

Rhodiola Rosea is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Rhodiola Rosea  products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

NutraChamps Rhodiola Rosea Supplement
NutraChamps Rhodiola Rosea Supplement
  • Siberian Root Extract
  • Pure Maximum Strength
  • 3% Rosavins, 1% Salidroside

4.7 out of 5

Double Wood Supplements Rhodiola Rosea
Double Wood Supplements Rhodiola Rosea
  • Natural Stress Relief Capsules
  • 3% Salidrosides, 1% Rosavins Extract
  • 120 Vegan Capsules

4.7 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of Rhodiola Rosea, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

Physician's CHOICE Organic Ashwagandha Root

Review of Ashwagandha Supplements

Our Review of Ashwagandha

The majority of people battling anxiety complain about the side effects of most anti-anxiety pharmaceutical drugs. The best alternatives are always natural substances and herbal supplements.

Are you wondering which supplement could work for you?

As there are many supplements out there; you might get confused surfing the internet. Let us ease your search by telling you more about Ashwagandha.

The History of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an herb originating in India, which is also referred to as “Indian ginseng” or “Winter Cherry”. It is widely used in India for its “Rasayana" properties. It is said to have the ability to lengthen lifespan, restore the terminally-ill to full health, and youthfulness back to the aged.

The Ashwagandha plant is a woody shrub that grows to about 2ft tall and can survive extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold. The plant's healing power is both in its root and leaves.

Ashwagandha's medicinal value has been documented in the “Ayurveda”, Hindu's ancient art of healing, for millennia! Ayurveda’s ancient art of healing emphases lifestyle.

What's Inside Ashwagandha

It is necessary to point out that most of the uses of the plant both in the Ayurveda and the modern pharmacological publications refer to the root extract and not the leaves.

The plant's leaves are usually used for a surface application like treating wounds or burnt and other similar applications.

Research has shown that due to its wide range of adaptability, there might be a slight change in its appearance or its chemical composition. However, the roots' composition is virtually the same.

Ashwagandha contains hormone-modulating substances; these phytochemicals are alkaloids (isopelletierine and anaferine), steroidal lactones (withanolides and withaferin), and saponins (sitoindoside VII and VIII).

Watch Withanolides Levels

The most researched of these substances is withanolides. And Ashwagandha contains the type of withanolides that are responsible for modulating your stress and relaxation responses.

However, studies have shown that you should watch the level of withanolides in whatever supplement you choose to buy. The acceptable level is 25%.

A lower proportion of withanolides means you have to consume more to experience the effectiveness of the herb, and a higher percentage means you have to be careful on your dosage intake as it might have the same effect as many anti-anxiety pharmaceutical drugs.    

The Benefits of Ashwagandha

Treating Anxiety, Stress, Depression and Schizophrenia

Ashwagandha has been used in managing or curing anxiety, low energy, and aging. It is also believed it can be used as a blood tonic or to fight inflammation and infection.

Ashwagandha root contains an adaptogenic substance known to help to balance your body's physiological system; the result is a better you, who can withstand stress and other similar external assaults.

The adaptogens work by lighting up the body with energy when you are burned out and equally stamp down on stimulatory hormones and the central nervous system when you are stressed out.

Likewise, we discovered that Ashwagandha could serve as an immune-modulator and an anti-inflammatory agent for schizophrenia.

While researching the uses of Ashwagandha and its application in managing anxiety, we couldn't help but notice other exciting things about this plant.

Helps to Fight Insomnia 

For instance, the water extract from the leaves contains Triethylene glycol, which helps in inducing sleep; research has shown that the sleep caused by this active component is similar to the normal sleep your body needs.

Ashwagandha, therefore, induces a relaxing mood and consequently will put you in a better state of mind to sleep well.

Other Valuable Benefits 

It is also being hailed for its therapeutic application in other areas of disease management like Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Menopausal Symptoms, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

It’s also reported that using Ashwagandha as a supplement in milk, it helps in boosting total protein in your body.

Pros and Cons of Ashwagandha


  • Wide range of use for men & women
  • Great supplement for anxiety & stress
  • Can boost energy & reduce fatigue
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Stimulates the body’s immune system
  • Scientifically proven to be non-carcinogenic
  • Used to manage the side effects of chemotherapy


  • Sizeable dose may be needed before its effect is realized
  • Not recommended for use during pregnancy or during lactation for women
  • Should not be used with sedative drugs
  • When the excessive dosage is taken, it could lead to drowsiness

Suggested Dosages and Use

Ashwagandha seems most effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety with dosages of a minimum of 500–600 mg daily.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In summary

Ashwagandha has botanical substances that modulate psychological and physiological systems like your nervous system, and these have a wide range of effects such as inducing sleep, relaxing your nerves, thereby helping in the management your stress, anxiety, and other similar disorders.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Ashwagandha products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

Physician's CHOICE Organic Ashwagandha Root
Physician's CHOICE Organic Ashwagandha Root
  • Organic Ashwagandha
  • Highest Potency Available
  • 1950 mg

4.6 out of 5

NutriRise Organic Ashwagandha Root
NutriRise Organic Ashwagandha Root
  • Organic Ashwagandha Root Powder
  • Highest Potency For Best Anti-Stress & Anti-Anxiety Support
  • 1300 mg

4.6 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of Ashwagandha, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.