Archive Monthly Archives: June 2019

Bronson Vitamin A

Review of Vitamin A Supplements

Our Review of Vitamin A

Do you have a problem with your eyes?

Do you want to get rid of acne on your skin?

Do you have a problem with anxiety or stress?

Then Vitamin A is a great supplement to use.

Vitamin A or retinol is vital for your body’s operation of the immune system, skin, eyes, teeth, bones, and hormones. It helps to protect your eyes and skin from ultraviolet light and so helps to prevent skin cancer.

Basic info on Vitamin A

Vitamin A is vital for protecting eyesight. It converts light as it comes into your eyes into electrical signals that are sent to the brain.

In fact, one of the symptoms of a lack of Vitamin A in the body is nyctalopia or night blindness. Consuming sufficient amounts of Vitamin A helps to prevent night blindness and may slow the decline of eyesight as you age.

Vitamin A can be found in meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, as well as, fruits and vegetables.

When we do not get a sufficient amount in our diets, taking a quality Vitamin A supplement is recommended.

Benefits of Vitamin A

Anxiety and Depression 

You need Vitamin A in your body for many reasons, as it brings many benefits. One such benefit is it helps to minimize feelings of stress and anxiety.

Vitamin A has fatty acids that are a necessity to our bodies, which also helps in reducing stress and anxiety.

Anxiety can bring worry, angst, and for some, panic, which as a result, makes it hard for anyone to maintain peace of mind.

Vitamin A does the opposite by promoting a sense of well-being. And works even better when used in concert with Vitamin D.

It helps to keep your brain functioning properly, as well as, your body’s circadian rhythm in sync, which in turn helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

In addition, and because it empowers Vitamin D to enhance your brain, together they aid in the reduction of stress and anxiety. 

When your body lacks Vitamin A, there is a greater possibility that you’ll have issues with stress, anxiety, and depression. Consider taking a quality Vitamin A with a quality Vitamin D to help reduce anxiety and stress.

Vitamin A helps to nourish the nervous system which is the most critical system in our body. When it is nourished your body can relax. Therefore, a proper functioning nervous system in the body can help minimize stress and anxiety in the mind. 

When you are relaxed, it is hard to get stressed or have a panic attack.

All in total making Vitamin A supplements a valuable choice to fight anxiety.

General Health

Vitamin A helps the lungs and kidneys to function correctly. Also, it helps regulate glucose levels in the body, thereby helping to prevent diabetes.

Vitamin A empowers the actions of Vitamin D in your body.

It is also required for the hormones produced in your thyroid to be effective. If you consume Vitamin A in proper amounts, it will enhance your immune system, as well as, help in weight loss.

It is very healthy for your bones.

While you may think that just calcium or Vitamin D is necessary to make strong bones, but because Vitamin A empowers Vitamin D, it is also necessary for healthy bone development.

Pros and Cons of Vitamin A


  • It is absolutely not toxic
  • It helps in the management of various anxiety disorders
  • It is safe for the use of a pregnant woman or a lactating mother
  • Vitamin A is essential for preserving your eyesight
  • Vitamin A in concert with Vitamin D is powerful in fighting stress & anxiety


  • Extremely High dosages can cause joint & bone pain
  • High dosages can cause  nausea
  • High dosages can cause vomiting

Suggested Dosages and Use

At this time there are no dosage limits on daily Vitamin A intake.

But Vitamin A has been shown to be most effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety with dosages of 8,000 to 10,000 IU, 1 time per day.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In Summary

Vitamin A is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Vitamin A products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

Nature Made Vitamin A
Nature Made Vitamin A
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • 8000 IU helps meet daily nutrient needs
  • No preservatives, No yeast or starch, Gluten free

4.9 out of 5

Bronson Vitamin A
Bronson Vitamin A
  • 10,000 IU Premium Non-GMO Formula
  • Supports Healthy Vision & Immune System
  • Supports Healthy Growth

4.6 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of Vitamin A, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

Healths Harmony St. John's Wort

Review of St. John’s Wort Supplements

Our Review of St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is an herbal plant that is known for its many medicinal abilities, especially for anxiety and depression, as well as, its strong antiviral and antibacterial qualities.

It is also known as Klamath weed or Tipton's weed.

The name St. John’s Wort was given to the plant because it fully blooms on the 24th of June, the day of the feast for John the Baptist.

Basic info on St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort comes from the flowering plant Hypericum perforatum.

Supplement forms are can be found as teas, capsules, tablets, and topical treatments.

Around the year 1970, the antibacterial substance hyperforin present in the plant was finally extracted, analyzed, and scientifically proved.

The plant contains two other powerful active compounds hypericin and flavonoids. All three of these play a vital role in its efficacy.

Benefits of St. John’s Wort

Anxiety and Depression 

The herb is used as an alternative medicine for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

The therapeutic use of the plant has grown over the decades. In the last 20 years, it has been used extensively for the treatment of anxiety and depression in European countries, like Germany and Sweden, as well as, the United States.

Research shows that for people who suffer from mild depression along with anxiety the herb is effective in lowering the frequency that patients experience anxiety.

General Health

St. John’s Wort has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine for treating wounds. In medieval times, when overdosing patients its hallucinogenic effects were used for driving out “demons".

It helps solve the problem of atopic dermatitis, a chronic eczematous skin disease that usually begins in childhood. St. John’s Wort has shown promise in handling this disease.

Other possible applications of this supplement are for social phobia, nerve pain, burning mouth sensation, premenstrual syndrome, as well as, post-operational pain.

Studies have shown positive advancements for those who experience Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Pros and Cons of St. John’s Wort


  • It is effective for the treatment of moderate depression
  • It helps to reduce anxiety
  • It helps reduce ADD & ADHD
  • Topically applied, it helps relieve several skin conditions
  • There are beliefs that due to its antiviral quality, it can be used for the treatment of HIV


  • It can cause dizziness when taken in excess
  • It can cause dryness of the mouth
  • It may have a negative effect on contraceptives
  • It can be dangerous when taken with other drugs such as antiepileptics or anticonvulsants, causing tremors, low body temperature & muscle stiffness

Suggested Dosages and Use

For adults St. John’s Wort has been shown to be most effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety with dosages of 300 mg 1 to 3 times per day, taken with meals.

It is not recommended for children.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In Summary

St. John’s Wort is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two St. John’s Wort products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

NatureBell St John's Wort
NatureBell St John's Wort
  • Powerfully Supports Positive Mood & Mind
  • Promotes Healthy Nervous System
  • No GMOs, No Preservatives

4.6 out of 5

Healths Harmony St. John's Wort
Healths Harmony St. John's Wort
  • Helps with temporary mild depression
  • Helps manage anxiety caused by stressful situations
  • Provides 900 mcg of Hypericin in every serving

4.5 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of St. John’s Wort, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

The key to using any alternative treatment for anxiety is to follow instructions and have patience.

It is also worthy to note that you need to take time to study various alternatives, try them out, and note the benefits before deciding on the one or ones that suit you best. Always keep in mind that every person reacts differently to specific types of treatment and medicine.

We believe St. John’s Wort would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

Arazo Nutrition 5-HTP

Review of 5-HTP Supplements

Our Review of 5-HTP

5-Hydroxytryptophan or 5-HTP is a compound naturally produced in the body from the amino acid tryptophan. It is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin. Unfortunately, sometimes there is not enough 5-HTP in our bodies, so we need a little help.

An excellent natural source for 5-HTP can be obtained from the seed of the African shrub Griffonia simplicifolia.

Basic info on 5-HTP

Based on scientific research, 5-HTP has been seen as a treatment for anxiety, depression, migraines, insomnia, fibromyalgia, and hot flashes, as it increases the serotonin level in the brain.

Benefits of 5-HTP

Anxiety, Depression and Panic Attacks

In this article, our main focus is on the treatment of anxiety. While we know that 5-HTP is not the only amino acid supplement used as an alternative treatment for anxiety, we do know that more research has been carried out on it than the others.

Animal studies and human clinical trials have both shown that 5-HTP has anti-anxiety effects. There is some evidence that 5-HTP may inhibit panic attacks. It is highly effective against chronic generalized anxiety.

Research has shown that 5-HTP has been determined as a safe alternative to antidepressants with fewer side effects especially when taken in the right dosage or as prescribed by your health specialist.


5-HTP helps resolve the root cause of insomnia because of the increase of serotonin - which is then converted to melatonin - the hormone essential to the handling of the sleep-wake cycle. 

Increasing melatonin has been shown to break the insomnia cycle and regulate sleep patterns.

Blood Sugar, Low-Carb, Keto and Weight Loss

Another wonderful benefit of 5-HTP affecting serotonin in the brain is it may increase feelings of fullness, thereby helping you to eat less and lose weight. Likewise, 5-HTP has been shown to help with the control of blood sugar which is beneficial for everyone, and especially diabetics.

The results in one study showed that those who took 5-HTP ate 435 fewer calories per day, on average, and in particular inhibited the intake of calories from carbohydrates. This would be beneficial to those on low-carb or keto diets.

Stressed, anxious, or depressed people usually eat more, and many times things that are not healthy for them, and then, unfortunately, gain weight. But the good news is researchers have determined there is a parallel between 5-HTP serotonin production reducing stress and depression, to the reduction of stress eating, to then achieving weight loss.

General Health

Research and testing show that 5-HTP is effective against severe migraine headaches. Results showed it reducing the regularity of the migraine attacks, as well as, the severity of the attacks.

Just as well 5-HTP is very effective against fibromyalgia. A condition with characteristics such as fatigue, pain in the ligaments, muscles, and tendons. A recent study in Texas that involved 50 people with this condition were treated with 5-HTP for a month. Amazingly, in all the patients there was a reduction in pain, fatigue, and anxiety.

Note: If you have a surgery scheduled, it would be wise for you to stop taking 5-HTP for at least a week or two before getting the surgery. This is because you need to let your serotonin levels go back to their ‘normal range’. These levels can be affected during surgery. This would help to avoid complications that might occur with your mood after surgery.

Pros and Cons of 5-HTP


  • It helps to control anxiety & depression
  • It is effective in incidents of panic attacks
  • It helps to resolve the issue of insomnia
  • It is effective against migraines
  • It is effective against fibromyalgia
  • It improves moods


  • It is not safe when taken by in very large doses (6-10 grams) which can cause nausea, muscle spasms & severe stomach problems
  • Do not take 5-HTP with another antidepressant, as it can lead to serious complications
  • The combination of 5-HTP with certain other drugs can cause heart problems – check with your physician

Suggested Dosages and Use

For anxiety, stress, depression, and mood take a minimum of 200 mg to 300 mg, 3 times per day with meals.

For weight management take 250 mg to 300 mg, 30 minutes prior to each meal.

For fibromyalgia relief take 100 mg, 3 to 4 times per day with meals.

For migraines take 100 mg to 200 mg, 2 to 3 times per day with meals.

For insomnia take 100 mg to 300 mg, 30 to 45 minutes before bed. Consider adding GABA to increase success.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In Summary

5-HTP is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two 5-HTP products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

NutraChamps 5-HTP
NutraChamps 5-HTP
  • Naturally Supports Brain, Mood & Sleep
  • Calm & Relaxing Boost
  • Natural source for production of Serotonin

4.6 out of 5

Arazo Nutrition 5-HTP
Arazo Nutrition 5-HTP
  • Improve Mood & Positive Outlook
  • Relieve Anxiety & Stress
  • Promotes Relaxation of Mind & Body

4.4 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of 5-HTP, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.


Review of GABA Supplements

Our Review of GABA

Are you feeling stressed, anxious or fearful for no reason?

Have you been unable to fall asleep or enjoy a good night’s rest?

Then I need to tell you about GABA.

A lot of people around the world have never heard of GABA. Let alone have any idea what it does. GABA is one of the main neurotransmitters in our brain which is responsible for regulating anxiety.

GABA allows us to calm down, unwind, and relax; both physically and mentally.

Basic info on GABA

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, also known as GABA, as a neurotransmitter assists in sending messages between the brain and the nervous system. It is produced primarily in the brain from glutamate. The catalyst for this process is the active form of Vitamin B6 and the enzyme glutamate decarboxylase.

The major function of GABA is to reduce the over-activity of nerve cells in the nervous system. 

Fortunately, you can increase your levels of this crucial neurotransmitter naturally by either using a supplement or increasing levels of other natural compounds that directly affect its synthesis.

Benefits of GABA

Anxiety, Stress, Fear and Depression

For those with an anxiety disorder or have a loved one with the problem, this neurotransmitter might be the "light at the end of a tunnel" for them. It can be very effective for the treatment of anxiety, stress, and depression .

A good amount of emerging research has found that it could play a role in many conditions, including depression, anxiety, and stress. GABA is believed to have a natural calming effect and is believed to reduce feelings of anxiety and fear by decreasing neuronal excitability.

There are several classes of anti-anxiety drugs that enhance the activity of GABA neuroreceptors to quiet the nerves and ease anxiety.

Factually speaking, many drugs or medications used in the treatment of anxiety disorders work by boosting or increasing the activity and function of this neurotransmitter in the brain.

But what options are available for those who don’t want a long-term dependence on chemical drugs or medications which almost always come with unwanted side-effects; and some of them severe?

Of course, finding and using a natural quality GABA supplement.


Some sleeping medications increase the action of GABA, creating in a sedative effect that can help relieve insomnia.

Because of GABA's natural calming effect by decreasing neuronal excitability, GABA supplements can be very effective for the treatment of insomnia, on top of, anxiety and depression.

Heart Health and Weight Loss

GABA may also increase levels of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). 

Which is an important hormone that can reduce the risk of heart disease, increase muscle strength, and encourage weight loss.

General Health

The importance of this neurotransmitter was only discovered recently.

But it is suggested to play a vital role in the treatment of anxiety disorders and other health conditions such as insomnia, depression and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women. 

It has been shown to improve focus in patients with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Pros and Cons of GABA


  • Relieves anxiety
  • Reduces symptoms of depression
  • Improves sleep
  • Increases levels of Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
  • Improves focus in ADD & ADHD
  • Relieves symptoms of PMS


  • When taken in excess it may cause sleepiness
  • Improper dosages may impair memory
  • GABA is not safe for pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers

Suggested Dosages and Use

At this time there are no dosage limits on daily GABA intake.

But GABA has been shown to be most effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety with dosages of 750 mg 1 to 2 times per day, taken on an empty stomach.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In Summary

GABA is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two GABA products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

BulkSupplements GABA
BulkSupplements GABA
  • Improves mood & mental wellness
  • Promotes healthy sleep
  • Natural anti-inflammatory

4.6 out of 5

  • Promotes Relaxation
  • Eases Nervous Tension
  • Vegetarian Formula

4.3 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of GABA, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

U.S. Wellness Naturals Lemon Balm Tea

Review of Lemon Balm Supplements

Our Review of Lemon Balm

As its name іmрlіеs, Lemon Balm—which іs іn thе mіnt fаmіlу—hаs а slightly tart tаstе. Іt’s а рорulаr аddіtіоn nоt only in foods and drinks, but аlsо іn аrоmаthеrару аnd bеаutу products. 

This perennial herb derived its official name from the Greek word for “bee”. As its tiny white flowers attract multitudes of the honey-makers.

The plant exudes a strong, lemony scent when the leaves are crushed and it produces a relatively expensive essential oil that is valued in aromatherapy for its uplifting and calming qualities.

Basic info on Lemon Balm

Lemon Bаlm tea has been used since the Middle Ages to control stress and anxiety, and improve sleep. Back then it was steeped in wine for the purpose of lifting people spirits, healing wounds, and treating insect bites. 

Recently, laboratory trials have shown that Lemon Bаlm contains chemicals that may have antiviral, antioxidant, and calmative properties. The leaves of the plant contain terpenes—which play some role in its perceived calming effect—and tannins, which may be responsible for its antiviral properties.

Lemon Bаlm comes in many forms.

It can be bought as fresh or dried leafs, as a tea, in capsules, extracts, tinctures, oils, and as an ingredient in creams and lotions. Fresh cuttings of Lemon Bаlm, steeped in boiling water for a couple of hours and then chilled, make that wonderful fresh natural tea used to help calm shredded nerves.

Веsіdеs tаstіng аnd smеllіng gооd, Lеmоn Bаlm is full of many bеnеfits.

Benefits of Lemon Balm

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety is a widely known chronic condition. It is a serious disorder that affects almost everyone at some point in time, no matter what the age. And the numbers are higher in women than men.

It Is normal to feel occasional anxiety. And, at times, anxiety can even serve as a motivation tool. But when the anxiety becomes regular, intensive, or excessive, the persistent fear or worry becomes a course for concern.

Many people suffering from anxiety disorders have discovered that normal medicine is not really effective against them and therefore have resorted to the use of more natural therapy for treatment and cure. Chief among these natural therapies is Lemon Balm.

It has long been used fоr іts саlmіng, strеss, and anxiety rеlіеvіng рrореrtіеs.

Lemon Balm can be found in the form of tea, capsules, oils, and creams to help with anxiety. When the oil is used in aromatherapy, it is said to lift the mood and relax the body.

Ѕоmе studіеs hаvе lіnkеd Lеmоn Bаlm tо rеduсеd fееlіngs оf strеss аnd аnхіеtу. Rеsеаrсhеrs fоr оnе ріlоt studу bеlіеvе thе hеrb mаkеs thе nеurоtrаnsmіttеr Gаmmа-amіnоbutуrіс асіd (GАВА) mоrе rеаdіlу ассеssіblе іn thе brаіn. It is well known that GАВА helps regulate уоur bоdу's stress rеsроnsе.

It can bооst your mооd. Ѕіmіlаrlу, thеrе іs еvіdеnсе thаt Lеmоn Bаlm саn hеlр rеduсе dерrеssіоn. In studies, it sіgnіfісаntlу rеduсеd dерrеssіvе-lіkе bеhаvіоrs.

The trials showed that a calming effect was felt in a matter of hours.


Mixed with Valerian Root, in a tea or capsule, some studies suggest it is a great ally against insomnia.

The combination of herbs is believed to aid in sleep by acting directly on GABA receptors in the brain, delivering a mild sedative effect while stimulating the production of the "feel good" hormone called serotonin.

Sexual Health

Аll thе роsіtіvе mооd-bооstіng bеnеfіts оf Lеmоn Bаlm ехtеnd tо sexual dеsіrе. It can enhance sexual pleasure.

Оnе studу fоund thаt wоmеn wіth hуроасtіvе sexual dеsіrе dіsоrdеr (whеrе а реrsоn ехреrіеnсеs аn unusuаl lасk оf sexual fantasies оr dеsіrе) who tооk сарsulеs оf 500 mg оf Lеmоn Bаlm twice а dау fоr а mоnth fеlt mоrе іntеrеstеd іn sех than those who took а рlасеbо.

General Health

Іt’s аntіmісrоbіаl. Usіng Lеmоn Bаlm соuld hеlр fіght аgаіnst sрrеаdіng іnfесtіоn thаnks tо іts аntіmісrоbіаl рrореrtіеs, especially when соmbіnеd with mint.

Іt’s расkеd wіth аntіохіdаnts. Lіkе mоst рlаnts аnd hеrbs, Lеmоn Bаlm іs rісh іn аntіохіdаnts, which helps рrоtесt thе bоdу frоm dаmаgе саusеd bу frее rаdісаls, such as іnflаmmаtіоn, dіsеаsе, аnd sіgns оf аgіng.

Тhе аntіохіdаnts dесrеаsе sіgnіfісаntlу whеn thе lеаvеs bесоmе dried out. Sо іf уоu’rе lооkіng tо fullу rеар full bеnеfіts, go for fresh Lеmоn Bаlm over dried leaves gеnеrаllу usеd іn tеа.

It can hеlр rеlіеvе heartburn. Тhеrе іs sоmе sсіеntіfіс evidence and studies that bасk this premise.

Treatment of cold sores and the common cold. The rosmarinic acid present in the Lemon Bаlm has potent antiviral properties that may aid in the treatment of certain viral infections. Most of the current studies in which rosmarinic acid appears to inhibit a broad range of common viruses, including adenoviruses (associated with the common cold).

Treatment of gastrointestinal problems. Recent studies have shown that Lemon Bаlm can help treat symptoms of dyspepsia (upset stomach) and acid reflux. Lemon Bаlm contains citral, citronellal, linalool, and geraniol, each having anti-gas properties.

Pros and Cons of Lemon Balm


  • It helps to treat anxiety disorders
  • It fights against insomnia
  • It can treat cold sores
  • Can be used for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems
  • It has also shown promise in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
  • Lemon balm is considered safe for most people


  • Lemon balm may cause drowsiness, especially if combined with alcohol, over-the-counter sleep aids, or prescription sedatives
  • High doses can potentially affect thyroid function
  • Lemon balm may slow blood clotting - If you are in need of surgery, avoid using Lemon balm for at least two weeks before
  • Cоuld роtеntіаllу іntеrасt wіth сеrtаіn mеdісаtіоns, including sеdаtіvеs, thyroid meds & НІV trеаtmеnts - tаlk tо уоur dосtоr or sее а specialist

Suggested Dosages and Use

Іt shоuld bе nоtеd, thаt tоо muсh Lemon Bаlm (ехсееdіng 600 mg) саn асtuаllу lead to fееlіng mоrе anxious. Тhе swееt sроt fоr handling аnхіеtу sееms tо bе between 300 to 600 mg per day.

In a particular study single doses of Lemon Bаlm extract of 300 mg, 600 mg or a placebo was given to the participants in a standardized stress-simulation test. The subjects’ cognitive performance was also measured.

While the 300 mg dose had some cognitive value, the higher 600 mg dose helped to relieve the stress induced by the test and produced significantly improved self-ratings of calmness and alertness.

There does not seem to be dosage limits when using either frеsh оr drіеd Lemon Bаlm leaves as a tea.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In Summary

Lemon Balm is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Lemon Balm products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

U.S. Wellness Naturals Lemon Balm Tea
U.S. Wellness Naturals Lemon Balm Tea
  • FIRST FLUSH Lemon Balm is enhanced because of higher essential oil content
  • Herbal Balm, Bulk Balm Leaf
  • 100% NATURAL

4.7 out of 5

Fresh Nutrition Lemon Balm Extract
Fresh Nutrition Lemon Balm Extract
  • Endless benefits from this powerful antioxidant
  • Calms, Improves Skin, Sleep, Memory, Alertness, Anxiety, Stress, Appetite, Indigestion
  • STRONGEST AVAILABLE: 600mg Servings

4.6 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of Lemon Balm, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

Весаusе Lemon Balm has such an арреаlіng smеll аnd tаstе, іt’s ехtrеmеlу vеrsаtіlе. Оnе оf thе еаsіеst wауs tо соnsumе іt is by brеwіng іt as а tеа. Yоu саn buу Lemon Balm leaves either fresh or dried tо mаkе іt yourself.

Ѕіmіlаrlу, Lemon Balm leaves саn bе ground uр аnd іnсоrроrаtеd іntо mеаls. Yоu саn use it in рlасе of lemon zest. If you use Lemon Bаlm oil, usе а lot lеss bесаusе it's mоrе соnсеntrаtеd.

Тrу Lemon Balm аrоmаthеrару. Yоu dоn’t nееd tо соnsumе Lemon Balm іn оrdеr tо bеnеfіt frоm іts mооd bооstіng еffесts; јust inhaling it hеlрs. Inhаlіng іt dеерlу thrоugh thе nоsе can brіng іnstаnt саlm аnd sооthіng.

Ѕіmіlаrlу, уоu саn also put а few drорs оf Lemon Balm іntо а diffuser. Νоt оnlу wіll іt mаkе уоur whole room smеll frеsh аnd сlеаn, but inhaling іt wіll bring on саlmіng bеnеfits.

Іn gеnеrаl, Lemon Balm саn bе а  hеlрful hеrb tо іntеgrаtе іntо уоur lіfе, еsресіаllу іf уоu ехреrіеnсе аnхіеtу, dерrеssіоn, оr wаnt tо bооst уоur соgnіtіvе funсtіоn. Аnd bеcаusе іt smells so darn grеаt, оthеrs аrоund уоu wіll rеар thе bеnеfіts tоо.

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

Frontier Co-op Organic Chamomile Flowers

Review of Chamomile Supplements

Our Review of Chamomile

Do you feel a lack of energy during the day or while at work?

Do you have a certain discomfort while trying to sleep?

Do you suffer from anxiety, stress, or depression?

Then Chamomile may be the answer for you.

Basic info on Chamomile

Chamomile is a wonderful plant that has been used in natural teas and medicines for millennia. There are two main areas where chamomile is found, Germany and England.

I love and drink all kinds of tea, also testing different flavors. Some are good, others are not. This tea is great!

I got a huge one-pound bag of these little flowers which made a wonderful tea. I combined them with some lemon balm for a truly relaxing and tasty beverage!

I feel like a pound is pretty much a lifetime supply. It's far less expensive and you can mix it with other herbs and flowers to get the right flavor for you.

Benefits of Chamomile

Anxiety and Depression 

Anxiety is one of the most common problems in the world because it affects over 300 million people. Even with this high number of affected individuals, modern medicine has not been very effective in the treatment of this condition.

German chamomile is predominantly used medically. It is well-tolerated in the body and demonstrated the highest pharmacologic results in treating anxiety.

Chamomile has shown a lot of promise in the treatment of this disorder even when modern orthodox medicine has not been as effective as hoped or has failed. Clinical trials showing chamomile's safe and efficient results reinforced the long held belief that chamomile is a viable treatment of anxiety disorders.

One of the more immediate results that can be seen is in it helping you to feel less anxious and helping to remove any thoughts of depression.

The use of Chamomile is not limited to anxiety which makes it a wonderful supplement for your all-around health.


Chamomile has been shown to help improve the quality of your sleep.

General Health

Chamomile’s active components give it its unique pharmacological properties.

It contains terpenoids, an antioxidative and anti-inflammatory compound which helps to prevent the formation of cancer cells and relieves pain; and flavonoids, which are known to combat aging and oxidative stress and relieve uncontrolled muscle movements.

If you suffer chronic illnesses like diabetes or cancer, regular intake of chamomile can help slow down their progression and may even help force them into remission.

If you consume chamomile it will help relieve inflammations and help heal your skin.

Pros and Cons of Chamomile


  • It is effective against General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • It helps prevent stress, anxiety, panic & depression
  • Helps with sleep & relaxation
  • Helps prevent the onset of several chronic illnesses, including cancer
  • Its germ-killing properties are used to remedy certain skin conditions
  • Slowing or preventing osteoporosis


  • Use of chamomile might trigger allergies in some people
  • Chamomile is known to interfere with certain drugs, for example, warfarin, a common anticoagulant
  • Chamomile doesn’t work effectively with alcohol as it might lead to drowsiness
  • The effect on pregnancy and breastfeeding hasn’t been concluded yet

Suggested Dosages and Use

Chamomile taken in capsule form seems most effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety with dosages of 220 mg ,1 to 5 times daily, depending on your own individual needs and results you can achieve without experiencing negative side-effects.

There seems to be no dosage limits on consuming Chamomile Tea.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In Summary

Chamomile is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Chamomile products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

Starwest Botanicals Organic Chamomile Flower
Starwest Botanicals Organic Chamomile Flower
  • 1 lb of Organic Whole Chamomile Flowers from Egypt
  • Kosher Certified & cGMP Compliant
  • Certified Organic by QAI

4.8 out of 5

Frontier Co-op Organic Chamomile Flowers
Frontier Co-op Organic Chamomile Flowers
  • Highest quality herbal tea available
  • Flowers sourced from Germany known to be rich in essential oils
  • These flowers can make Chamomile Extract & Chamomile Essential Oil

4.7 out of 5

Our Conclusions

Many individuals decline using conventional drug therapy for financial, cultural, or personal reasons, such as the stigma of mental illness. As a result, many individuals will seek alternative medications and therapy for their problems.

With the recent discovery of highly effective alternative therapy, individuals can find a lasting solution. Chief among this alternative therapy are Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Gaba, and 5-HTP.

In our Review of Chamomile, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

However, it is important to note that when it comes to anxiety supplements, you need to test and observe different supplements to find out the one that works best for you. The effectiveness of each of these anxiety supplements differs from one individual to another.

This supplement is far less expensive than buying chamomile tea in the store and you can mix it with other herbs and flowers to get the right flavor for you. Go ahead and get one of our tried and tested Top-Rated suggestions, above. You won't regret it!

If you’re thinking about incorporating chamomile into your diet, be sure to consult with your doctor first to rule out allergies and potential complications that may disrupt your health. However, it is a safe supplement that yields the desired result if used properly.

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

Herb Pharm Certified Organic Passionflower

Review of Passion flower Supplements

Our Review of Passion flower

Have you been suffering from severe anxiety and insomnia for a long time?

Are you discouraged by your lack of mental energy and drive?

The right supplement can help to reverse this.

Passion flower is one of those supplements. It can help reduce any form of anxiety challenge you may be suffering from.

With a name like Passion flower, you would assume that it is something kind, gentle and calming from nature. While that doesn’t hold true for all sweet-sounding names - it does hold true for Passion flower - a wildflower of striking beauty.

Basic info on Passion flower

Passion flower has been cultivated amongst Native Americans for centuries. There are over 500 species of the plant in existence. It is distinguished by its beautiful flowers and by the sweet fruit it produces. Native Americans cherish its many health benefits.

Benefits of Passion flower


Passion flower is a gentle anti-anxiety and mildly sedative herb that can even be used to induce a good night's sleep in both children and adults. 

You can take Passion flower extract to get relief from anxiety, stress, substance addiction and sleep disorders.


One particular study asked volunteers with trouble sleeping to drink a cup of Passion flower tea at bedtime during the study time. Surprisingly, all reported significant sleep improvement.

Heart Health

In traditional medicine, the plant is used as a heart tonic.

General Health

A drink made from the flower has been used to treat asthma, bronchitis, and whooping cough.

It can also be used as a mild diuretic, digestive stimulant, and treatment for urinary infections. Passion fruit seed oil has been used as a stimulating lubricant and massage oil.

It has been shown to help in curing children of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

It also helps relieve menopausal women of hot flashes.

Caution for Children

Children should not be given Passion flower without a doctor's supervision and dose adjustment.

Pros and Cons of Passion flower


  • It has a wide range of use to reduce anxiety, stress & nervous disorders
  • It is known as an excellent sedative
  • It improves attention & reduces ADD & ADHD symptoms
  • It helps delay the progression of chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and cancers
  • It is usually well tolerated with no side effects for most


  • It is not been determined as safe for pregnant women
  • It may contribute to blood thinning, which could affect those taking anticoagulant medications
  • If taken together with other drugs or herbs in excessive amounts, it may cause side effects such as dizziness, confusion, tremor, fatigue
  • Too high dosages can cause nausea or vomiting

Suggested Dosages and Use

Passion flower is available in several forms.

Adult dosing for anxiety is as follows:

As a liquid extract take 10 to 30 drops of the fluid extract, three times a day.

In capsule or tablet form, take 90 mg daily.

Used as a tincture, 10 to 60 drops, three times a day.

For homeopathic preparations take 10 homeopathic globules every 30 to 60 minutes for chronic anxiety.

As a tea, prepare by steeping 1 tsp of dried herb into one cup boiling water for 10 minutes. For insomnia, one cup of tea is recommended one hour before retiring. For anxiety, three to four cups of tea can be taken throughout the day.

The dried herb can be added to bath water.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In Summary

Passion flower is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Passion flower products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

Herb Pharm Certified Organic Passionflower
Herb Pharm Certified Organic Passionflower
  • Liquid herbal extract
  • Supports the body's natural response to mild & occasional anxiety
  • Vegan, non-GMO & gluten-free

4.2 out of 5

Nature's Answer Herb Passion Flower
Nature's Answer Herb Passion Flower
  • Super Concentrated 2000 mg
  • Unique Bio-Chelated Proprietary Extraction Process
  • Holistically Balanced & Natural Calming Botanical

4.2 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of Passion flower, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

Passion flower liquid herbal extract supports the body's natural response to mild and occasional anxiety.

It is typically well-tolerated with infrequent side effects. But do watch as treatment with it may exert sedative effects.

At this point in time, there is not enough evidence to recommend the safe use of Passion flower during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

It's important to keep in mind that not all supplements are the same or have been tested for safety. In some cases, some products may deliver doses that differ from the specified amount for each herb. In other cases, they may be contaminated with other substances such as metals.

Supplements and vitamins are largely unregulated. Therefore, only buy proven quality top-rated products.

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

Artizen Lavender Essential Oil

Review of Lavender Oil Supplements

Our Review of Lavender Oil

It’s normal to feel a little apprehensive from time to time.

Let’s face it - life can be stressful.

We all worry about many things: such as financial problems, work, family, or health. But sometimes anxiety can become so severe that completing simple, everyday tasks are difficult. That can be challenging enough, but for those who are stressed, things can be made even worse when the desired results are not achieved.

When this occurs, it may be a sign of Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in America and around the world. Approximately 300 million adults suffer from GAD and women are likely to be affected twice as much as men.

GAD often starts during adolescence and symptoms tend to magnify during stressful periods in life. For good health, it’s important to look for signs of anxiety in you and your loved ones and ‘nip it in the bud’.

Do you have a hard time sleeping at night?

Do you feel anxious or unsettled too much?

Then Lavender Oil may be the right supplement for you.

Many people who have experienced stress for long periods of time are prescribed various different types of drugs to reduce anxiety and panic symptoms. Unfortunately, for many, these have had a limited effect and value, let alone many times bring unwanted side effects.

That is why many people search the Internet and social media forums to find Natural alternatives. One such valued alternative is all-Natural Lavender Oil.

Basic info on Lavender Oil

If you feel wound-up after an especially stressful day at the office, breathing in the relaxing scent of Lavender Oil could help calm your body and mind.

When different scents are inhaled, the olfactory bulb can induce positive or negative emotions and memories. It’s believed that the smell-triggered memory associated with stress can be turned into a positive mood and emotion by using certain oils, like Lavender.

Lavender’s main components are linalool and linalyl acetate. Linalool by itself is an anti-conflict agent. While both together have sedative effects. Since Lavender Oil is made up of both, it’s sedating effects are known to relax certain muscles.

Bottom line

What puts these Oils apart from others are their unparalleled purity and concentration. Being natural, with no adulterants or dilution, their oils provide the maximum benefit possible and are uncompromising.

Many less quality Lavender Oils dilute their oil with cheap carrier oils or, in some cases, other potentially dangerous chemicals. Our recommended Lavender Oils are routinely tested for purity and other unique qualities in order to ensure you are buying the purest oil available.

Lavender is safe for most people.

But before using Lavender, be sure to talk to your healthcare providers. Depending on if you have certain medical conditions you may not be able to use Lavender. Tell them about all any medical conditions, allergies, and all the medicines you use to determine if it is safe for you to use this product.

Benefits of Lavender Oil


When you take Lavender as a supplement, you will experience a marked reduction in the level of stress that you feel. It also helps in reducing any anxiety or depression that you feel by increasing your brain’s alpha and theta waves that help you relax.

Are you interested in using Lavender to calm nervousness and other signs of anxiety?

Then here is the best way to use it to achieve great results.

I recommend using Lavender to help with relaxation prior to sleep. This works for many people - especially those who have a hard time quieting their mind before bed.


Because Lavender Oil can help with relaxation, by quieting the mind, prior to going to sleep. This wonderful supplement can be extremely helpful for many who have a hard time going to sleep.

It will help improve your quality of sleep; which can then help you wake more refreshed and enhance your cognitive abilities for the next day. 

General Health

Lavender is known to be a good antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent when you apply it topically. It will help your wounds to heal and help eliminate any pains or itchiness that you feel.

Taken orally, it can also help alleviate menstrual cramps and help cure you of the associated migraines or headaches.

Also, it can help alleviate some symptoms if you suffer from a degenerative disease.

Pros and Cons of Lavender Oil


  • It is good for the health of the central nervous system
  • It helps you to relax & have a sound rest while sleeping
  • It is known to have good antibacterial properties
  • It has a wide range of use as a supplement or in aromatherapy
  • It is very versatile as a cosmetic, an insect repellant & more


  • It can induce stomach upsets
  • High dosages can cause headaches
  • Very high dosages can cause constipation or diarrhea in some
  • High concentrations on the skin can be unsafe

Suggested Dosages and Use

Lavender Oil can be effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety. The following three options will allow you to use it successfully.

One, as an oil in for inhalation in aromatherapy: add 20 mg to 120 mg to hot water in a diffuser, humidifier, or on a cotton pad.

Two, for consumption as a tea: use 1 to 2 tsp (5 to 10 mL) of Lavender herbs steeped in 1 cup of boiling water.

Three, as an oral supplement: take a minimum of 80 mg or 160 mg per day.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In Summary

Lavender Oil is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Lavender Oil products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

Handcraft Lavender Essential Oil
Handcraft Lavender Essential Oil
  • 100% Pure & Natural Lavender Oil
  • Premium Therapeutic Grade & Premium Quality
  • Tested by an Independent Lab for its Constituents

4.6 out of 5

Artizen Lavender Essential Oil
Artizen Lavender Essential Oil
  • Guaranteed Highest Quality, Most Potent Lavender Oil
  • Artizen Essential Oils Unparalleled Purity & Concentration
  • Natural, No Dilution with Carrier Oils

4.3 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of Lavender Oil, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

VH Nutrition Kava Kava

Review of Kava Kava Supplements

Our Review of Kava Kava

For those who suffer from anxiety disorders, Kava Kava has helped many, including myself, reduce their pharmaceutical prescriptions and it is one of the most superior supplements we've tested and recommend.

Also, like many who suffer from sleeping issues, I’ve not had to take sleeping medication since I used this product. I’m falling asleep easier and staying asleep for the entire night. Even though it helps me to get quality sleep, it does not make me sleepy during the day and I feel clearer, calmer, with lots of energy while at work.

Are you experiencing sleepless nights?

Are you struggling with the ability to maintain focus?

Are you struggling with serious psychological disorders like anxiety, stress, and depression?

I’m absolutely thrilled to report that we’ve found that this supplement can help to reduce these harmful feelings. And, of course, this product is all natural!

Basic info on Kava Kava

Kava is highly effective. It is extracted from the kava plant that grows as a shrub in the South Pacific region. Traditionally, the indigenous people boiled its roots in water to form a psychotropic beverage.

The roots of the Kava plant contain two active compounds called kavalactones and chalcones. These compounds are responsible for many of Kava’s beneficial effects.

The first compound: Kavalpyrones are able to induce muscles to relax and hence bring about a calming effect on the body. The second compound: Chalcones, can fight off cancerous cells and have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.

Benefits of Kava Kava


Anxiety disorders are among the most common psychiatric disorders today. They are commonly treated with talk therapy, medications or both.

Many types of medications are available, but they may come with unwanted side effects and can be habit-forming. This has increased the demand for presumably safe, natural remedies like Kava.

Stress-induced insomnia is common in those with anxiety, so the two disorders are many times closely intertwined. Therefore, in cases of insomnia, while Kava is being used to treat anxiety, it may also help people sleep better.

It has not been tested on how Kava affects sleep in those without anxiety or stress-induced insomnia, but is assumed that it would function effectively if used.

Of course, when Kava helps your body and mind to calm down, it in turn, helps to improve your brain functions, relieving you of anxiety and depression.


A lack of sleep is linked as a cause to many medical issues, including high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, obesity, cancer, and other serious health challenges.

Realizing this, many people turn to sleep medications to help them sleep better. Like drugs used to treat anxiety, sleep medications can become habit-forming, resulting in physical dependence which may become addictive.

Kava is commonly used as an alternative to these sleep medications due to its calming effects that are soothing to the body, as well as, it's non-addictive nature.

General Health

Along with wonderful benefits to fight insomnia and anxiety, Kava aids in the fight of cancerous cells. In some studies, it has shown to help certain cancers in the body to recede.

It has other wonderful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties that can benefit the body in daily health.

Some studies have shown that Kava can be very effective in helping to cure addictions, by increasing dopamine in the brain.

Pros and Cons of Kava Kava


  • Great for treating anxiety & stress
  • Respected in the treatment of insomnia
  • Has a calming, euphoric effect that compares with alcohol
  • No side effects related to withdrawal or dependency


  • Very high doses can interfere with cognitive functions
  • Long-term extreme doses can cause dry, scaly, yellow skin
  • High doses can cause headaches

Suggested Dosages and Use

An effective dose of Kava ranges from 70 mg to 250 mg and is recommended that you don’t exceed 250 mg per day.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In Summary

Kava Kava is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two Kava Kava products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

VH Nutrition Kava Kava
VH Nutrition Kava Kava
  • Kavalactones decrease anxiety and stress
  • Promotes restful sleep & improves digestive health
  • Helps reduce & prevent headaches

4.5 out of 5

Toniiq Triple Strength Polynesian Kava Kava
Toniiq Triple Strength Polynesian Kava Kava
  • The most active kava available
  • Soothing stress support
  • New standard for purity

4.0 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of Kava Kava, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

Kava is relatively new in gaining traction as an alternative medication. While the substance is legal in the U.S., users should be aware of the responsible ways of using Kava for their health concerns.

Kava is a natural alternative to prescription sleep medications. While it’s effective at treating stress-induced insomnia, its effects on otherwise healthy people are undocumented.

Kava can be taken in tea, capsule, powder or liquid form. With the exception of Kava tea, these products are made from a concentrated mixture that’s prepared by extracting kavalactones from the root of the plant with ethanol or acetone.

I definitely recommend this supplement if you have any problems with insomnia, any type of anxiety, problems with aggression or irritability, stress, or similar, you'll be amazed at how quick and effective Kava can be.

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.

Natures Trove L-Theanine

Review of L-Theanine Supplements

Our Review of L-Theanine

Have you ever gone to bed, only to have your brain spin in endless, useless, trivial circles?

Have you ever had trouble focusing on the task at hand?

Have you ever gotten stressed over things and don't know why?

Then you need this supplement.

First, L-theanine allows your brain to slow down and remain quiet. No more “brain drain” going down endless “rabbit holes”. Just clear thoughts.

Second, I use L-theanine daily for my anxiety; it also helps my mood. It has had a great effect and works perfectly for me; and I believe it will work for you, too.

L-theanine is a calming amino acid present in alpha brain-wave production, an index of wakeful relaxation similar to that experienced during and directly after meditation.

Because L-theanine significantly increases alpha waves and promotes relaxation without drowsiness or sedation, it makes it an ideal pathway to achieve the best mental state for, well, most everything.

Basic info on L-Theanine

L-Theanine is the amino acid commonly found in tea leaves, green tea and in some mushrooms. Because of that it is considered very safe and is generally accepted as a valuable supplement by most studies.

It will help your brain functions improve, help increase your attention span, and help enhance your memory; especially when you ingest it with caffeine.

In addition, its calming actions and anxiety relief are enhanced by L-Theanine's upping of nitric oxide production in the body. 

Today, drinking tea still symbolizes psychological calm and contentment for most, and now science is starting to explain the physiological reasons and mechanisms behind these effects.

Several scientific publications including clinical and epidemiological studies are beginning to back up the health benefits of both black and green teas, with particular focus on L-theanine.

Bottom line

L-Theanine has really worked for me.

It is incredibly affordable. And, although I originally decided to try it due to its relatively small price, I'm very pleased that I'm getting the desired results every day.

I take a pill on an empty stomach first thing in the morning just before eating or with my morning coffee. It cuts the caffeine jitters and helps my day go better. I love this supplement and I love how safe it is.

Benefits of L-Theanine


It is used as a stimulant for helping to improve moods and lowering stress. It does this by crossing from the bloodstream to directly target chemicals in the brain.

L-theanine affects the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, such as, serotonin and dopamine, which influence mood, sleep, and emotion; and cortisol, which helps the body to manage active stress.

A change in the combination of these chemicals can alter a person's mood or stress levels.

Alpha brain-wave production typically happens during deep meditation, when sensory inputs are minimized and the mind is generally clear of unwanted thoughts or distractions. However, exciting alpha waves have also shown to boost creativity and alleviate depression. L-Theanine does both.

Ingesting L-Theanine will help you feel less anxious and less stressed. 

Heart and Overall Health

L-Theanine will help lower your heart rate and blood pressure.

It enhances your immune system against infection, increases the ability to fight cancer, and other tumors.

It brings tremendous value in many areas as it helps eliminate any negative feelings in both mind and body.


Regularly taking L-Theanine supplements will help increase your quality of sleep, as a result of the calmness, clearing of the mind, and overall improvement in mood it brings.

Pros and Cons of L-Theanine


  • It is proven to be non-toxic to your body, even if taken in high doses
  • It acts directly on the chemicals in the brain
  • It is fast acting & doesn’t remain for long in the bloodstream before being ejected from the body
  • L-theanine increases the ability to fight cancer & and other tumors
  • L-theanine can boost the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs


  • It may not function well when used with some other drugs
  • It can interfere with the function of some stimulant drugs in the bloodstream
  • It could lower your blood pressure below safe zones – check with your physician

Suggested Dosages and Use

L-Theanine seems most effective at lowering symptoms of stress and anxiety with dosages of a minimum of 200 mg, one to two times daily.

Good results for some people have shown up same day or in a few days, for others it might be a week or two. This will always vary from person to person and dosage taken, so always allow at least 30 days to see full potential.

In summary

L-Theanine is a wonderful Supplement that can not only help in the relief of stress, anxiety, and depression, but also has many valuable attributes for both body and mind.

Have you been searching for suitable products on the internet or social media?

When you finally decide on a supplement, how do you know which of the many choices available is the Best to choose?

Allow us to aid your search by introducing the top two L-Theanine products that we have tried and know they work.

Here are the two Top-Rated Brands that we recommend and have found to be the Best



Our Rating

Natures Trove L-Theanine
Nature's Trove
  • Promotes relaxation without drowsiness
  • Restores a sense of calm
  • Found naturally in green tea

4.6 out of 5

Sports Research Suntheanine L-Theanine
Sports Research Suntheanine L-Theanine
  • Features the Award Winning Ingredient Suntheanine
  • Increases Alpha brain waves 
  • Non-GMO & Gluten Free

4.4 out of 5

Our Conclusions

In our Review of L-Theanine, we found it to be a wonderful supplement with many benefits in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.

We believe it would be a great addition into anyone's daily regimen of the Best Supplements for Health and Life.